Motivating Students in the Language Classroom Through e-Learning

It is believed that students learn best when they are motivated. This is especially true for English language learning in e-classrooms at the university. Therefore, elevating students’ learning motivation has been one of the most prioritized goals for language lecturers. In this sharing session, Ms Chow Wing Yee Cherry would share the teaching techniques and e-learning strategies adopted in the English classroom in a self-reflective approach. It is hoped that the experience could highlight the importance of focusing on learners’ needs with the help of various e-learning tools.

Outline of this Sharing Session: Motivating Students in the Language Classroom Through e-Learning

Presenter: Ms Chow Wing Yee Cherry


00:00 – 01:43

Introduction and overview

Part 1: Background

01:44 – 03:04

Challenges as a teacher of EAP

03:05 – 04:54

Literature on teaching strategies and students’ motivation

Part 2: Strategies and examples
(the PICRAT model)

04:55 – 07:39

Teaching strategies in the beginning – two examples

07:40 – 08:51

The PICRAT model: how can students learn better with technology (PIC)

08:52 – 09:50

Inspiration on teaching and course design

09:51 – 10:10

The PICRAT model: how can technology impact students’ learning experience? (RAT)

10:11 – 11:34

Example 1: Pear Deck – slides-based assessment platform

11:35 – 13:15

Example 2: Nearpod – gamified assessment platform

13:16 – 15:55

Example 3: Padlet – brainstorming and commenting

15:56 – 17:36

Example 4: Mentimeter – reflection and feedback

17:37 – 18:34

Example 5: ZOOM – synonymous discussions

18:35 – 19:11

Reflection of these examples

19:12 – 20:39

Connection to the PICRAT model

Part 3: Implications

20:40 – 22:02

Implications as a teacher

22:03 – 24:13

Implications as a course coordinator


24:14 – 26:45

Can those platforms be used for one intention or different purposes?

26:46 – 28:17

Can you recommend apps that are compatible with Moodle?


28:18 – 28:30

Closing and thanks

For more details about motivating English learners through e-learning, please visit her poster page here:
For more talks and topics, here is the full list of links to both Parallel Sessions:

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