Dr Lee Ju Seong
Associate Head, Department of English Language Education
informal digital learning of English
English as an international language
effective use of e-resources in classrooms
technology, attention and learning
Online or Blended Teaching
14-Day IDLE Challenge Program: The Power of Informal Digital Learning
Inspired by the “Hole in the Wall” experiments in India and the 30-Day Extramural English Challenge, a 14-Day Extramural English Challenge Program was developed and conducted from December 2022 to March 2021 in local Hong Kong school, Fukien Secondary School. Students who participated in the program were required to choose their favorite English content as their learning objectives and online resources such as YouTube and English Fun Dubbing for their digital learning. During this 14-day challenge, they were expected to showcase what they had learned on a daily basis on Padlet, a real-time online platform useful for cultivating collaboration and interaction among students.
“IDLE is defined as using self-directed English activities in informal digital settings, motivated by personal interests and undertaken independently without being assessed by a teacher.” (Lee & Lee, 2021, p2)
Lee, J.S. and Lee, K. (2021), The role of informal digital learning of English and L2 motivational self system in foreign language enjoyment. Br. J. Educ. Technol., 52: 358-373. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12955
(length: 47:36)
View his presentation slides here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q7mAv_nrBMpS897hbU-8t-M95uO_gbwC/view?usp=sharing
Additional Resources
Recent Research about Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE)
- Role of Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) in Hong Kong university students’ perceptions of English as an International Language (EIL)
- Informal digital learning of English and L2 willingness to communicate: roles of emotions, gender, and educational stage
- Informal digital learning of English and perceptions of using EIL materials: attitude toward varieties of English as a mediator
- L2 motivational self system and willingness to communicate in the classroom and extramural digital contexts
- The role of informal digital learning of English and L2 motivational self system in foreign language enjoyment
- The role of Informal Digital Learning of English in Korean and Swedish EFL learners’ communication behaviour