Tracing the Development of EFL Teachers’ Intentions to Use Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

Digital storytelling (DTS) has been shown to have several affective (e.g., L2 enjoyment), cognitive (e.g., reading comprehension), and linguistic benefits (e.g., vocabulary knowledge) for L2 learners. However, to design locally appropriate and pedagogically effective DTS, teachers should consider target students’ needs, language proficiency, and language curriculum while referring to the TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) model.

In this session, Ms Chen Jianzhu would first share how a 39-hour intensive DTS training program helped Hong Kong primary school teachers improve their TPACK levels. Then, she would suggest how to create DTS using different e-resources, such as H5P, an open-source platform for creating interactive learning activities. At the end of her sharing, she would also discuss how teachers’ intensions to use DTS in the classroom have changed over the course of the training based on Dr Ju Seong Lee’s research findings.

Outline of this Sharing Session: Tracing the Development of EFL Teachers’ Intentions to Use Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

Presenter: Ms Chen Jianzhu


00:00 – 01:45

Overview of this sharing session

Part 1: Teacher training about using DTS in the classroom

01:46 – 04:30

Background information of the training program

Part 2: How to create DTS using different e-resources

04:31 – 06:12

Introduction to

06:13 – 13:38

Demonstration of using H5P and Google Sites

13:39 – 18:55

Teacher-made e-book 1: The Hungary Birthday Party (Book Creator)

18:56 – 20:33

Teacher-made e-book 2: Boar Bakery (Book Creator)

20:34 – 25:00

Teacher-made e-book 3: Do You Know What Happened? (Book Creator)

25:01 – 26:27

Teacher-made e-book 4: Pollution (Google Sites)

Part 3: Research findings

26:28 – 28:39

Quantitative research results

28:40 – 31:59

Teachers’ comments and feedback


32:00 – 34:34

What is the most challenging part of this project?

34:35 – 37:55

How long does this training take and what difficulties have teachers experienced during the training?

37:56 – 40:44

How did you decide the amount of time it would take to train teachers to use DTS? 


40:45 – 42:02

Closing and thanks

For more details about using DTS in the classroom, please visit Dr Ju Seong Lee’s poster page here:
For more talks and topics, here is the full list of links to both Parallel Sessions:

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