Dr Wang Lixun
Associate Dean (International Engagement), Faculty of Humanities
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
corpus linguistics
technology-enhanced language learning and teaching
multilingual education
English-Chinese translation studies
Online or Blended Teaching
Community of Practice (CoP) on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching
This project intends to identify creative and effective use of technologies in language learning and teaching, investigate how such technologies help to enhance students’ language learning and teachers’ language teaching, and build a Community of Practice on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching among tertiary students and academic/teaching staff and motivate them to use technologies in language learning and teaching.
This project is led by the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), with partners from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).
Additional Resources
English-Chinese Parallel Concordancer
The English-Chinese Parallel Concordancer is a corpus project led by Dr Wang Lixun (lixun@eduhk.hk) at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, the Education University of Hong Kong. Users can search the English-Chinese parallel corpus online (size: 4.5 million Chinese characters, 2.9 million English words). Users can choose to do parallel concordancing or monolingual concordancing, and can choose different corpus files according to their needs. The search results will be generated automatically and can be downloaded as an Excel file. This is a very useful tool for English-Chinese comparative studies.