Long Ago, up to Now:
Classical Chinese Poem Learning with a Mobile App
This poster introduces the mechanism behind the mobile APP “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along (古詩粵唱粵啱Key)” and the applications in several courses, and feedbacks from students.
Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along
Course Context
Course Name:
CHI3918 Chinese Phonetics and Phonology (Blending Teaching)
CHI4577 Chinese Historical Phonology (Online Teaching)
CHI5198P Comparison and Analysis of Putonghua and Cantonese (Face To Face Teaching > Online Teaching)
Core e-Resources: Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along (古詩粵唱粵啱Key) (Apple Store, Google Play)
In all the courses mentioned above, the knowledge of Cantonese and Putonghua tones are important. How to raise students’ interest in studying tones is a challenge for these courses. Through the mobile APP “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along (古詩粵唱粵啱Key)”, students of these courses can learn the features of Cantonese and Putonghua tones in speaking and singing, and they can apply this knowledge in composing singing style of classical Chinese poems, which can be further applied in Chinese language education at kindergartens and primary schools.
Research Results
Classical Chinese poems long ago: The written form (Chinese characters) of classical Chinese poems have passed down generation by generation. Without audio recording machines in ancient time, we do not know the exact oral form of these poems in ancient time. The most popular oral form of these poems is to read aloud in the present day. However, classical Chinese poems were probably in a singing style as their oral form in ancient time, which can be inferred by the strict rules of syllables per line, tones (e.g., “平仄”), and rhymes.
Reviving classical Chinese poems in Cantonese singing: Cantonese tones are preserved in speaking and singing. The main difference between speaking and singing is that speaking tones are associated with a declination intonation effect, while singing is showing an anti-declination effect. A reversed application of this linguistic observation is to turn the classical poems into a Cantonese singing style, which can enhance the memorization of the poems.
Mobile-APP-assisting teaching of classical Chinese poems: With the APP, the teaching materials (demonstration of the singing poems) are more easily to be obtained, the practicing methods can be more fun (e.g., Karaoke a poem), and there are more peer interactions (e.g., uploading for sharing and “likes”).
Feedbacks from students: most of them like the APP and appreciate the learning of tones.
“跟唱古詩部分, 可將音樂聲和人聲 按比例提高,令聽回放時人聲更突出。”
“古诗可以更多 上传平台可以加个评分环节。”
“有更多古詩可以聽唱 可以在幼稚園及小學推廣 小朋友會更容易及有動力去學習古詩。”
“very user-friendly! It’s very useful for kids to study.”
“可否在唱誦創作方面增加音樂背景? ”
“可以再多d聽唱古詩,因為很好聽! ”
The mobile APP “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along (古詩粵唱粵啱Key)” revives the classical Chinese poems in a singing style, as what they were long ago. The up-to-now educational technology of mobile APP can help to enhance the accessibility of the learning and teaching materials as well as the interactions between the users. The “soul” of the APP design is linguistics, or humanities, while the “carrier” is modern educational technology. The positive feedback from the users, or the students encourage us to explore more effective ways to enhance language learning and teaching with technology.